Tuesday, September 4, 2007

This is ME!


Oh Oh Oh-I just heard it-Yup! I do believe that was a collective sigh of relief! No, not because you just unbuckled your pants after eating a smorgasbord of breakfast burritos and flapjacks from the dollar menu at McDonalds; but because I am finally blogging. You can sleep soundly, and grow your fingernails back that you were biting with nervous anticipation.

OR, maybe you just clicked on this blog because you were bored, tired, or accidentally got trigger happy with the mouse. But now that you are here, you might as well read on.

Being as this is my first of many blogs, I will write a little bit about my background, but mainly just things that I am thinking right now. “CHEESEBURGERS!” (I am thinking that right now.) I love food.

Which brings me to my first topic. I am getting FAT! Now I might be exaggerating a little bit, but here is the proof. Last week I stopped wearing my comfy, cool, polo shirts to work for the “oh so strangling fun” of TIES! Now, in one summer you wouldn’t figure that you would grow too much now would you? Well, I did-or at least my neck did. My nice, clean, pressed shirts awaited their unveiling, but when I went to button that top button, all that slipped though the button hole was neck fat. Now I have always had a so-called “gobbler” but DANG! This thing is like its own living organism, feeding on McDonald’s double cheeseburgers. Sounds good doesn’t it!?! Well, I guess I found out the side effects of eating every meal for 2 bucks at the local Mac Shac.

This brings me to topic number two. I am getting VERY FRUGAL (AKA-CHEAP)! Now this, I am not exaggerating. I am currently helping my beautiful fiancée plan our wedding which is coming up in less than two months. It is a very exciting time for the both of us, but it is also depleting ye ol’ pocketbook. Now for me, this isn’t a big deal. Why, you may ask. Because I can supplement my diet with 10 cent hot dogs and the special of the day at numerous local restaurants to save a buck or two. For the side effects of such habits please read the above topic (I AM GETTING FAT!). Now my fiancée is a nurse, and I guess this lifestyle is not healthy. So my question is; “be poor or be dead?” Maybe I will follow her advice on this one and go with being poor!

And my third and final topic for the day. I am getting OLD! Now old is a relative term. I am not old compared to Golden Girls, but to the college students that still know me, I guess I am! They affectionately call me “the old guy”, “grandpa”, and my favorite “geriatric man”. Now I know they are somewhat kidding, and I kid right along with them. Lately though, I have realized I am starting to pick up some of those “old guy” traits. My joints hurt, I go to bed before 10 o’clock more often than not, and a fun weekend is going to Bed Bath and Beyond to redecorate the bathroom or going to the local Wal-Mart to buy an 88 cent toy to watch the dog play with. “Oh no”, I forgot to take my multivitamin this morning. I forget things in my old age (hence the vitamin). The thing is, although I am getting older (notice I didn’t say I was old!), I am realizing that I can stay young by participating in students’ lives whether they are deciding on where to go to school, or if they are already here, being active in the activities they participate in. This includes going to fine arts events, athletic events, being part of the alumni advisory board for my fraternity, and just keeping in touch with friends on campus. Simpson is more than just four years of your life. Simpson sticks with you as you grow older and really, it makes you who you are.

Well, that is all for me today. I will be back with new and hopefully more exciting stories from my day to day life and travels as I help students realize what this great school has to offer them. Wow, what a job. I love going to work each and every day, something that as an “old man” I tell you to look for as you search for majors or career paths for your future! Money is DEFINITELY not everything!

Enjoy your week and savor each and every day! GO STORM!



Beth - Admissions Counselor said...

You best post a picture very soon or everyone will picture you as a wrinkly, old, morbidly obese, cheapskate, greasy, bald-headed weirdo!!!

Jamie O. said...

How many hot dogs did we decide you could buy with $125? You should expand your processed meat only diet.

Sara- Sophomore said...

Perhaps you'll have to start living off the free food that Deb or any of the counselors bring into work, but the hot dog option isn't a bad idea. :)